What you will learn from this episode:
Do you see value in building global partnerships? Is there an opportunity to position yourself as an expert in your industry? It's best to find out how the Clubhouse platform works best for your business. Here are tips that can help you maximize the use of this app.Â
Start with an intention. How are you going to give value to your audience? Think of collaborations and adding value. Then have an objective, a business strategy on how things will work out for your business. If you listen to a room, create three action steps you need to follow through and when you will do it. Next, star...
All Categories3 essentials for establishing higher prices
4-point managing system that eliminates competition
a life with less stress and overwhelm
action steps you should take before investing in online classes or with a mentor
advantages of google ad versus facebook ad
and pressure for more pigment retention
anti-commision way to motivate your team
assuming the best of your employees
be the best at one service skill
believe that there is a leader within you
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clubhouse app. facebook ad changes
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compartmentalize their life into personal and business
confidence-boosting practice skills
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dealing with fear and insecurity
develop an excellent money mindset
difficult conversations are so important
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effortless permanent makeup strokes
elevate your beauty business program
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facebook live video transcription
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forgive and stop torturing yourself
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free software for video editing
genuine intent beyond transactional
get more yeses and sales of your service
getting clients from google/seo
how to boost your youtube ratings
how to speed up your procedure time
importance in niching down in beauty business
increased income with less stress
just go forward and accept imperfections
leveraging hashtags in linkedin
long-term planninghone your skills
make your day better every day
managing business expectations
misconceptions about online business
more buyers not just followers
more exposure for your business
must know before starting permanent makeup
never leave this off of your cta
no-cost client-generation strategies
no-stress policy for drawing on client's eyebrows
overcoming clients’ objection
partnering with other businesses
partnerships and collaboration
permanent cosmetic professional
platform to grow your business
position yourself as the expert
pros and cons of running black friday special
protect your integrity and credibility
ranking higher in google searches
right questions to ask in your beauty business
see things from the lens of humility
sense of loyalty that comes into play
setting standards to keep on schedule
shy from discounts and do value-adding instead
standing up for what you believe in
strategies used in linkedin to secure more clients
successful entrepreneur mindset
surviving and thriving in your beauty business
tags: achieve a better work-life balance
tattoo artist turned permanent makeup artist
the value of global connections
time-saving process for priming the skin
tips and tricks for building a following on instagram
tips on how to maximize and make the most of the clubhouse platform
top 5 most downloaded episodes
tricks and how-tos to make use of linkedin
turn a bad situation into a blessing
turning social media followers into buyers
two most popular words used in advertising
under-promising but overdeliver
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