Episode 70 Beauty Business Boss Series with Jennifer Louise: Finding Your Ideal Client

Apr 02, 2021


What you will learn from this episode:

  • Find out how to clearly create an ideal client avatar of your beauty business so you keep attracting the very best clients every time.
  • Understand people's buying mindset so that everything you do speaks directly to them, and you are top of mind when they take action.
  • Learn how to start a client attraction funnel and find the time to do it even when you say you don't have it.



Jennifer Louise is an Obsessions Salon founder and lifelong hairdresser. She holds over 20 years of experience and is head of reservations. Jennifer keeps the salon in check as the queen of organization and the reason why the salon runs smoothly. She decided to extend her appointment times some years back to make the guest's experience outstanding. Jennifer also coaches business builders for the king of hairdressers education 365 hair. She gives back to the industry that she loves and is CEO of the Successful Salon Club, an online global training academy for salon managers.

In this episode, Jennifer shares her 17-year journey into the beauty industry with her struggles that made her successful.

She tells the lessons she learned from buying a salon that is already operating and the challenges she went through and what it taught her.

Ten years into the business, she realized her salon was not growing as she had hoped. She then decided to rebrand and zeroed in on creating a business for the ideal clients she always wants in her salon. She couldn't stress enough the importance of knowing your identity, knowing who you want to service, and consistently delivering your message, so you attract more of those clients who will help you grow your beauty business.

She underlines the need to understand the emotional buying behaviors of your clients. Then once you figure that out, clients will become your army of mini-marketers all around you to build brand awareness.

Learn her Instagram strategy of how she draws inspiration for posts, how she creates a marketing funnel, and how she reaches out to her prospects to follow up for new clients month after month.

Jennifer's business is proof that defining your dream client and creating marketing for that client is the best asset you can have for growing your business. 

"The secret to growing your business is finding your 'Sue.' Knowing your identity, then knowing your ideal clients so that you can consistently connect with the right people to grow your business, then understanding your core values and beliefs that will layer in up for Sue."

- Jennifer Louise


Topics Covered:

01:26 - How her journey in the beauty industry began

05:33 - What she learned from directly buying a shop that is already operating

09:33 - The pains and struggles of growing her beauty salon business

16:24 - How she rebranded and zeroed in on her ideal client

19:08 - Why is it important to understand the emotional buying cycle of consumers

23:09 - Sharing her Instagram posts samples -- how it look like and where does she draw inspiration from what she posts

30:11 - How do you start a high-end salon

31:14 - Why discounts cheapen your beauty service

36:11 - How she runs her Instagram page and the marketing strategies she employs

39:06 - How she reaches out to clients

40:07 - How to start a funnel and find time to do it

47:55 - The valuable lessons she's learned throughout her seventeen-year beauty business journey 

54:00 - What's the secret to growing your business


Key Takeaways:

 “If you want to buy the shop that you're working in, don't mess around trying to find something else, just get on and do it and don't waste that time and that money elsewhere.” - Jennifer Louise

“I think because we always strive for that perfection, we just hold ourselves back. And one of the things my mentor always says to me is, Jennifer, perfection is poverty.” - Jennifer Louise

“The currency of the world is not the Pound, the Dollar, or the Euro, it is an emotional currency. It's the heartbeat in the brands that people buy into.” - Jennifer Louise

“I do believe that your biggest asset in anyone’s business is the ideal client.” - Jennifer Louise

“If you look at the very first line of the bio of your Instagram it should be telling you what we do as a business. So, anyone's first line should tell you what do you do as a business? Why should I pay you instead of the person down the street that does the same thing? - Jennifer Louise

“I use their words in the posts, I make sure that I replicate their language and all of my team do the same thing.”- Jennifer Louise

“When you discount it you cheapen it massively. People get addicted to discount, they never get addicted to free.”- Jennifer Louise

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

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