Episode 54: Beauty Business Journey Of Overcoming Obstacles with Heidi Rockholm

Oct 20, 2020


What you will learn from this episode:

  • Learn how to keep the right attitude amidst tough times in your business and personal life
  • Discover about 'The Elevate Program' and the system and structure it brings to your business
  • Find out why 'The Elevate Program' is not just any other marketing program out there



How do you hold your head amid life's adversity? Do you cower in fear, or do you soldier on?

When life throws you one trial after another, that's not something you can just easily shrug off. But this guest we have for today's episode went through the toughest in her life and business but still stands tall despite it all. 

Heidi Rockholm has been in the beauty industry for 29 years. As a successful stylist, makeup artist, and salon owner she started in the permanent makeup industry about two and a half years ago while recovering from shoulder surgery and opening her BeeQueen Studio. Heidi currently holds 18 different certifications. Eight of them are advanced training techniques. She's very passionate about not cutting corners and giving her clients the best products and services. She also has furthered her education. She does paramedical tattooing for breast cancer survivors. And she says it's the most gratifying part of her career. She currently resides in northern Idaho with her husband, Scott, of 27 years. She's also a mother of three adult children and two grandbabies. 

In this episode, Heidi shares about how hard that time was when she got started in the beauty industry. With only toughness and faith in herself, she was able to get it through. She advocates for everyone to be not scared of risks and failures. It teaches you lessons in life that will only strengthen you and makes you brave to face life and whatever comes with it. She highlights the advantages of delegating tasks and hiring a team. One can only do so much, and if you have someone else do things for you, you can do so much more. She also couldn't help sharing how nurturing lasting relationships with your co-workers and staff helps you big time and for a lifetime. Mentorship and friendship go a long way. 

Resourcefulness helps you thrive in your business and furthering your education about your business helps you reach faster where you want to be. What will take more time and money if you do it yourself, will only take you less of that when you enroll in 'The Elevate Program'. She admits to making the long and winding road of self-education, and she doesn't recommend it. That's why she shares the amazing experience she had with 'The Elevate Program'. To her, 'Elevate' is not just any other marketing course you have out there.


"I am not going to give up now. I have to kind of reassess, adjust, downsize, streamline, whatever, but you can do it. Everybody can do it."

Heidi Rockholm


Topics Covered:

02:47 - How did Heidi get started in the beauty business?

04:24 - Never be afraid to take risk and face failure

05:17 - Building mentorship and friendship in your beauty business

06:22 - The most impactful experience she has to go through

08:28 - What kept her going amidst tough times?

10:54 - Learn to be resourceful

11:43 - What made her join 'The Elevate Program'

14:18 - How was her experience like with the 'Elevate' group?

17:08 - Awesome things 'The Elevate Program' can do for you

18:17 - How are things going with her beauty business at this time?

20:30 - Do you have the time and the money?

21:07 - Her inspiring message to those who are struggling in their beauty business

22:01 - Her words of wisdom to those who don't know what to do but want a faster way to get to the top

23:20 - What support can you get from 'The Elevate Program'?


Key Takeaways:

"Even if you're just starting and you fail, at least you chalk it up to what not to do next time." - Heidi Rockholm

"A lot of times I just have to get out of my own head because, especially people who are entrepreneurs, we tend to overthink something." - Heidi Rockholm

"The progression in 'The Elevate Program' really was helpful for me because it's literally step by step by step by step." - Heidi Rockholm

"I'm trying to delegate. That's another thing I've learned from I need to delegate." - Heidi Rockholm

"The accessibility of it is really great because you have all the videos that you can replay and I like the forum, everybody kind of chimes in, like coming up with ideas, promotions, marketing holiday stuff." - Heidi Rockholm

"I like how accessible April is in 'The elevate Program'." - Heidi Rockholm

"In 'Elevate' I feel like there's always somebody in the group that you can learn something from." - Heidi Rockholm

"I didn't have the time and I didn't have the money. You do if you want to, if you want to have the time and you want to have the money, you make it a priority." - Heidi Rockholm

"If you're on the fence, just do it. Trust me when I tell you, it will make your life so much easier." - Heidi Rockholm

"If you don't have money to enroll in 'The Elevate', you can cut a corner somewhere, and it's worth it. You're investing in your business, and it makes you more successful. So you get your money back on your return." - Heidi Rockholm

"I think you just need to know your worth, know that you have something to contribute, and you have something to offer. You can do it. You just have to surround yourself with people that are going to help lift you up when you need it. You need to find good programs to help you." - Heidi Rockholm

"Whether you go with April, which I highly recommend, or you struggle and waste a kabillion hours on YouTube, whatever toots your horn. I don't recommend that. I tried that too." - Heidi Rockholm

"You have to be a little resourceful. There's not one single way to go about it." - Heidi Rockholm

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula



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