Episode 46: Critical Question to Grow Your Beauty Business

Sep 08, 2020

 What you will learn from this episode:

  • Find out what questions to ask yourself to keep moving forward in your business
  • Find out the who, what, when, where, why, and how of creating content for an effective marketing message 
  • Learn why doing the unconventional will get you the result others are not getting


This year has been a rollercoaster ride for everyone and for everyone’s business. We get to choose whether we are seeing opportunities or cowering in fear of uncertainty. For those of us who want to move forward in our business, this is how we can face what lies ahead - by asking questions that truly matter in our business, in ourselves, and in our marketing. Answering those questions provides us a gauge on how to act on it.

And by saying so, let’s start asking ourselves questions that push us toward our goals. How can we navigate through these times and thrive? What are the concrete steps I need to do to be able to gain more clients? How should I plan to show up for my clients? What am I capable of doing at this time? These are questions that allow you to become proactive. And this is good for raising your positivity meter.

Think about your customer service. Have you done enough in this area? Ask - How am I making my clients’ experience of the service even more magical for them? How do I continue to serve them better? Am I truly helping them get the results that they want? Be obsessed with your success in creating success stories for them. It will only serve you better in getting testimonials and referrals.

Marketing is also one big chunk of your concern. Consider your content creation. Think about the who, what, where, when, why, and how of creating it. Be specific with the message you want to be conveyed by taking into account where they’re at in their buyer’s journey - are they problem aware, solution aware or are they completely unaware? Also, learn to leverage your time. How can you do that? Learn to repurpose your material and turn them into different social media assets. Learn to verbalize your message to come up with effective marketing. 

Creating systems also helps you save time. Ask yourself when are you going to document the process of your business operations because in doing so you increase your efficiency as they become reliable and repeatable.  

Most importantly, ask yourself - What is my highest potential look like? What is that one thing I am capable of doing? What is it that I deserve? What result do I want for my business? Are my values aligned with my actions?

The answers to these questions will get you to do unconventional actions that will get you results. And that’s what matters.


“There are lots of courses out there, but the difference is really in the methodology and the support that you practice to get you there. So I'm asking myself, how can I make this even more magical. And that's a great question for you to ask yourself about your business. How can you show up and serve them even more?” 

- April Meese


Topics Covered:

00:54 - Why you need to ask these key questions?

03:20 - Questions to ask yourself to assess where you’re at in your business

04:02 - How can you make things more magical for your customers

05:12 - How can I get the most out of what I'm creating? 

07:33 - Who are you creating it for and where are they in their buying journey?

11:00 - Why do you want to create it?

13:34 - Where will you distribute what you create?

14:57 - Think about when to document the process

17:03 - What do you believe is possible for you?

18:26 - Are my actions aligned with my values?

19:11 - What do I need to let go of in order to step into my highest potential

20:01 - Why is it hard to let go of some things?

21:16 - Do you trust yourself to make the right choices?

24:12 - Who is the Elevate Program for?

27:25 - Can the Elevate Program get me results?

31:30 - What’s the least complicated way to get to your goal?

Key Takeaways:

“When you're talking about customers and customer service, and you're thinking about how you're going to move forward, you could think about asking yourself, how do I make this experience even more magical?” - April Meese

“How can I get the most out of what I'm creating? Because you have to think about what your end goal is, are you just trying to get awareness and visibility or are you trying to get people to actually buy?” - April Meese

“How can I get the most from what I'm creating? I'm a big fan of repurposing things. So we do these videos, I turn this into my podcast. We then post it also on my website for a blog for SEO because remember guys, one of the things that I always teach you is about leveraging your time.” - April Meese

“You need to be able to convey, you need to be able to talk about why someone should do business with you versus someone else. If you can't answer that question in a compelling way. If you can't verbalize that to your clients and even referral partners then you don't have effective marketing.” - April Meese

“If you do what nobody else is doing. The strategies that we teach in the Elevate program, which is sometimes why people are like, wow, this is unconventional. Absolutely. It's unconventional because you need to do what others are not doing to get the results that others are not getting.”  

- April Meese 

“Sometimes we look at this and we're like, wow, okay, I know what I need to do to get to that next level, but I'm not really doing it. So, start to ask your questions... are my actions aligned with my values?” - April Meese

“What do I need to let go of? Sometimes this is just those limiting beliefs. Sometimes it's binge-watching Netflix, I have to let go of wasting time binge watching Netflix for a few weeks and focus on my business and show up the way I need to show up.” - April Meese

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

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