Episode 45: Hear from Tattoo Artist Turned Permanent Makeup Artist, Chelsea Larsen, on How She Overcame Perfectionism (procrastination) and Self-doubt

Sep 07, 2020


What you will learn from this episode:

  • Learn how to crush self-doubt and perfectionism with the Elevate Program
  • Find out what set the Elevate Program apart from other marketing courses
  • Find out how the Elevate Program helps you learn and do so much more in your business despite you knowing it all


What keeps you holding back? Why are you still holding on to your excuses? Do you really think you know it all?

Truth is, we all have this chatter running through our heads; ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I’m just too busy for it’, ‘I know everything about this...why not just read a book again or go watch YouTube’, ‘I’m not confident to show up’, ‘I’ll do it later’. The excuses are endless.

Have you really thought about where all this perfectionism and procrastination leaves you and your business?

Let’s take a look at that and meet Chelsea and know her life before and after Elevate. You might just find yourself in her and the Elevate Program might just be what you need to scale up from where you are now.

For Chelsea Larsen, growing up, art was just a way of life for her. She did the drawing and painting and it became second nature to her and she chose to pursue a career in the tattoo industry, feeding the creativity of her soul, and she discovered makeup and more specifically corrected makeup and she fell in love and so she now does permanent makeup. 


Let’s listen in to Chelsea as she uncovers herself - the self-doubting, the perfectionist/procrastinating, the ever-busy mom of two, and the know-it-all woman before the Elevate program to become the confident and ever raring entrepreneur she’s cut out for.


“I think what kept me from joining the program for so long? Because I knew it all. I knew I thought I did. I thought I knew, but it just wasn't working the way that I wanted it to.”

- Chelsea Larsen

Topics Covered:

01:00 - April crushing on your objections about the Elevate Program

18:15 - Why Chelsea was a ‘rudderless ship in the ocean’ before the Elevate Program

19:28 - Why she got into the Elevate Program despite ‘knowing it all’

22:01 - An AHA moment for her in the Elevate Program

26:31 - Becoming her authentic self with Elevate

27:45 - How does she feel about the support group in Elevate

28:58 - What difference did Elevate make in her life

30:34 - How she was able to establish a relationship with her referral partners

33:10 - On having a coach that holds you accountable

36:14 - Honing in on her marketing message

37:04 - Chelsea addresses ‘I don’t have time for it’

38:16 - Building a sustainable business with systems that save you time

40:47 - Why take Elevate when she can just read a book?

44:05 - Why you need to invest in yourself?

45:22 - It’s all about gaining more from the expense you had

46:32 - Bonuses she got from Elevate

48:42 - What she would say to her younger self when it comes to investing in the Elevate Program

49:53 - Being successful and still learning and doing so much more in your business

51:29 - The best thing about the call sessions in the Elevate

54:42 - One last thing about the Elevate Program and why you should consider having it

Key Takeaways:

“I think for me personally, the program, the biggest help would be the coaching. And it wasn't just like what I learned even though I did learn a lot more than I thought that I knew, but it was more those one on one calls or the group chats. And it was feeling like, I wasn't alone in my business anymore and feeling like I could have someone who I could talk to that wasn't a friend or my husband, who knows the industry, those are good people to run things by once in a while.” - Chelsea Larsen

“Knowing the theory of it, but actually being able to implement it and say like, these are the steps like this is how you do it. This is like what to focus on, this is what to pay attention to and actually do versus kind of put on the back burner.” - Chelsea Larsen

Having being able to have one that I look up to tell me like, for lack of a better word, you're being dumb right now. Like, stop it, stop and believe yourself and you're good and all these things were really helpful because that was one of the big things that I had a problem with, knowing my value and knowing my self worth and believing it.” - Chelsea Larsen

“At times, it was difficult to break yourself down like that and be like, this is the reason why I'm doing this and it comes down to fear vulnerability. I think I especially like to hide behind that, I would do something to become really successful and then kind of be like, oh, I'm scared now to take that last leap because I had all those scripts in my head telling me, you know, you're not perfect. You're not this you're not that. And so it was really helpful to work with April to kind of break through that cycle.” - Chelsea Larsen

“I feel like in your group, it was a lot of help, a lot of uplifting information, and then a lot of constructive criticism. It's not just like, ‘Oh, you're so stupid for posting this’, or ‘Why don't know this?’ It was,’’ ‘This is great.’ ‘Why don't you trade this?’ ‘Why don't you trade that?’ And yeah, it's more a feeling like you're part of a group and not just by yourself in this business.” - Chelsea Larsen 

“It just really helps when you're really honed in your marketing, it helps take away a lot of that time waste that you had before kind of worrying about what to do and what to say.”  - Chelsea Larsen

“Having someone help me prioritize what I needed to get done in the slow times. I didn't have to worry about it during busy times. It’s really helpful.” - Chelsea Larsen

“Why just take another class? But the huge difference is it's not so much of like a marketing course, it's a life coaching course. It's a business coaching. And I think that's what a lot of other programs while they're great, and I have learned a lot from other supplemental stuff, yours is what changed the way that I think about myself and the way that I think about my business, as opposed to just telling you what to do.” - Chelsea Larsen

If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula

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