Episode 19: Understanding the Customer Commitment Level of Buying

Feb 20, 2020


Why you have to check out today’s podcast:

  • What market sophistication is and why every business owner should know it
  • Check out the different strategies to use in getting customers
  • The reasons why marketing strategy starts not only on targeting customers but also with the marketing message



As business owners, we want to increase our sales.  And to increase sales means we need to get more buying customers.  That’s why a crucial part of every business’s marketing strategy is understanding the customer journey, knowing the customer commitment level, and enticing them to buy.  This episode will give you in-depth details on how to target your audience, convey your marketing message, and tried and tested tactics on how to get customers depending on the cost, risk and commitment levels.

“A lot of us are marketing to the clients right where we're warming them up. We are trying to get them to buy.  We are marketing them up here expecting them to buy, which is a higher price.  Price is going up and with a higher level of risk and they're not ready.  So, this is where we have a marketing strategy that is meeting them where they're at."

 - April Meese


Topics Covered:

01:27 – April explains how your market is different regardless of your location

02:49 – The need to understand your market sophistication

03:44 – Targeting your clients

04:15 – Understanding the commitment curve and the level of risk

06:27 – Having a contest as a no-cost, low risk and low level of commitment when getting clients the first time

09:01 – Why Facebook ads are no surefire strategy to get clients

11:04 – The benefits of creating videos that will level up the commitment level of buyers

14:06 – Retargeting the traffic of your look-alike audience

16:01 – What a look-alike audience is

19:52 – Why marketing strategy starts with your marketing message and not only your targeting

20:29 – Recap on doing contests and videos

21:14 – Why hosting an open house will take more commitment from your audience

23:04 – Targeting your look-alike audience with an ad in social media

23:20 – April reminisced those times when she was doing direct mails to target her audiences

24:56 – Announcing the upcoming series on knowing the back-end of Facebook ads and the launching of the Boosting the Beauty Business Bottomline mini-workshops this February 23-25

Key Takeaways:

“No matter where you are, wherever you live, your market is going to be different.” – April Meese

“Understanding your market sophistication is knowing what level they are at in terms of awareness.  It is important to understand how you need to talk to those clients.” – April Meese

“When we are looking at this funnel of customer awareness and customer journey, you have people that they don't even know that there's a problem.  And then they're coming down the final two that they know that they have a problem.  And then customers know that there's a solution and then they are aware of you.  This is the buyer journey.” – April Meese

“Commitment curve is how you are going to target that audience." – April Meese

 "The level of risk to customers means what is going to be a low commitment and what is going to be a higher commitment.  We want to meet the customer where they're at, meaning we have to speak to them in their language." – April Meese

“When you are first trying to get clients, you might start with something where it's a very small commitment." – April Meese


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