Episode 109: Text Messaging in Beauty Business to Reach More Clients

Apr 23, 2022


What you will learn from this episode:

â—Ź Discover the growing popularity of text messaging marketing to get more clients.

â—Ź Understand why mobile marketing is a great additional tool for growing your beauty business.

â—Ź Learn how mobile marketing has higher open rates than email and more visibility than social media posts so that you can have better communication with your clients.  

â—Ź Hear about setting up incentive promotions to get more prospective clients in your database and send out special messages for birthdays and holidays so that the client is more connected with your beauty business.

â—Ź Find out how the whole messaging process can be timed and set up in advance so that you have a marketing funnel that is always working for your business. 


Have you noticed that people rarely leave their homes without a mobile cell phone, and we all are constantly using and looking at our phones?
Mobile text messaging has been very useful as a business marketing strategy because it connects our prospective and current clients quickly. 
Your clients can receive text messages about special promotions, beauty tips, discount coupons, various alerts, appointment reminders, and more from your beauty business.
Plus, it is perfect for our busy lives because the process can be scheduled in advance so that you will have a consistent stream of clients.

Our guest, Mary Barnett, also known as "Mobile Mary" discusses the power of SMS mobile marketing and shares the rules of mobile text messaging to help your beauty business reach more clients. She is the founder and CEO of Another Brilliant Idea, Inc., a certified small and women-owned boutique marketing firm. 
She gave us fantastic tips on how we can utilize mobile text marketing to grow your beauty business.

Here's what we cover in this Episode:
 3:15 - What is a text message, and how does it work for businesses?

 4:00- Different ways of how businesses use text messaging.
 5:01 - Misconception about mobile texting.
 7:30 – Building a list or database of clients
 12:38 – How to save time with messaging automation
 16:48 – How to get more interest during your slow time and get a referral
 18:42- Appointment reminder texts
 21:37 – The limitation and rules to know
 28:49 – How to set up a free demo account
33:08 - Hear an example of a business that 5x increased income using text messaging and how they do it.


“Bottom line is, you want to make money. Because if you have more money, you have more freedom to do what you want with your family, with your time.” – Mary Barnett

“You want to treat them extra special. They are making a commitment to getting messages from you and you want to honor that.” – Mary Barnett

“Text is a great way to deliver because it is going to get to them instantly and on-demand.” – Mary Barnett


Connect with Mary:

Website: https://anotherbrilliantidea.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mary.barnett1

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mobilemary/

Connect with April Meese:


If you would like to get a FREE copy of my "Uncommon Strategies to Get Clients Now" where I share my signature Client Attraction Formula then click here for that PDF  https://www.aprilmeese.com/client-attraction-formula  

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